Migisi Opawgan Logo

Migisi Opawgan Chapter

Chapter Committees

Serving the Mahican, Renaissance and Sunset Districts
of the Michigan Crossroads Council

Chapter Committees


Pay 2024 Mishigami Dues

Register for Winter Camp XLVIII

Leadership Quotes

Leadership Images


Committee Responsiblities

The Awards committee shall be responsible for the annual selection and presentation of Awards. The Awards Committee shall review and update the nomination requirements and nomination forms. They shall be responsible for the selection of nominees for Lodge and Chapter awards.
The Brotherhood Committee shall be responsible for the Brotherhood Honor Program. They shall maintain Lodge Brotherhood records, ceremony scripts, and ceremony teams. They will manage Brotherhood Events and planning. This Committee shall work with the Ceremonies committee, Chapter Officers, Event Organizers, and Lodge Leaders to promote and run brotherhood ceremonies at every lodge event.
Camp Promotions
The Camp Promotions Committee shall be responsible for all Camp Promotion Operations. They shall provide camp information to Unit Election Chair and the Vice Chief of Unit Relations. The committee shall promote camp staff, camp chief program, and camping.
The Ceremonies Committee is responsible for all Lodge ceremonial activities. The Committee shall be overseen by the Vice Chief of Activities. The Committee shall organize ceremonialists for ceremonies, organize ceremonies, promote Cub Scout ceremony events, update and maintain regalia, and keep a record of all ceremony scripts. They shall also be responsible for hosting any ceremonies training requested by the Lodge.
Cub Scout Program
The Cub Scout Program Committee shall be responsible for all Cub Scouting Related activities. They shall plan and organize Cub Scout Program, Crossovers, and Day Camp Service Corps.
The Elangomat Committee shall be responsible for all Elangomat related projects. They shall Maintain Elangomat Records, Organize Elangomat Training, Elangomat Recruitment, and the Extended Elangomat Program.
The History Committee shall be responsible for Chapter records, history, memorabilia, and media. They shall keep a record of yearly history with photos, communications, documents and reports in a digital folder. They shall be responsible for taking photos and videos at events and creating an end of the year video for presentation at the request of the Chapter. They shall maintain an archive of photos, video, and other media to be accessed by the media team. They shall report to the Lodge Executive Committee twice per year. They shall Maintain and Present Lodge historic displays for Annual Dinner.
The Induction Committee shall be responsible for the planning and execution of all Induction Weekends. They are responsible for Maintaining records of Service, Ceremonies, and Elangomats. They shall facilitate Induction registration. They are responsible for facilitating final camp clean up.
The Membership Committee shall be responsible for Lodge Membership Tracking. They shall Maintain Membership records, Manage Event Registration & Check-in, and work with Brotherhood, Vigil, and Induction Committees to encourage membership growth and retention.
The Service Committee shall be responsible for Service activities. They shall Maintain service records, Organize service events, and Find service projects for Induction weekend. The Committee Chair shall sit on the council properties committee.
Social Media
The Social Media Committee shall be responsible for the Lodge Social Media Content. They shall be responsible for the operation of the Chapter Social Media accounts. The Social Media Committee shall post all chapter communications related content on all Social Media Platforms. The Committee shall create, update, and manage Chapter Social Media Accounts and Posts. Social Media Accounts include: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The Social Media Committee shall create marketing campaigns, promotional posts, highlights, and event/activity postings.
Unit Elections
The Unit Elections Committee is responsible for facilitating unit elections. The Committee shall meet as needed to facilitate the election season. They shall review the lodge election timeline and report to the Lodge Executive Committee. The committee shall review and update unit election procedure annually. The Unit Election Chair shall be responsible for facilitating the Unit Election Training Session in coordination with the Lodge Vice Chief of Administration. The Unit Election Committee shall work with the Camp Promotions Chairmen to integrate camp promotions with unit election presentation. The Committee shall work with the Lodge and Chapter Vice Chief of Unit Relations to integrate unit support and relations mechanisms into unit election visits. The Unit Elections Committee shall report election results to the membership committee and Lodge Vice Chief of Administration. The Unit Elections committee will be responsible for consulting the Chapter Chiefs for the Unit Elections award.
The Vigil Committee shall be responsible for the selection, planning, and execution of Annual Vigil Honor Class. The committee shall consist of one chapter member appointed by the Chapter Chiefs and chaired by the Vigil Chair. Each individual on the committee shall have one vote. Each member of the committee must already be a Vigil Honor member, or be ineligible for Vigil during his/her term. The Vigil Committee shall report to the Lodge Chief. They shall meet at Summer Induction Weekend to select the year's Vigil Honor Class. They will then meet with the Lodge Chief and determine Vigil Names. The Vigil committee shall be responsible for assigning Vigil Sponsors and facilitating Vigil Induction at Fall Fellowship. The Lodge Chief shall serve as the Vigil Chief. If the Lodge Chief is not eligible to be the Vigil Chief then the Vigil Committee shall choose the Vigil Chief. The Vigil Committee will reconvene with the Lodge Chief (or appointed representative), and Awards Chair to select the four annual honorees of the Jeffery J Stumpf Distinguished Vigil Award.
Winter Camp
The Winter Camp committee is responsible for organizing and executing the chapter's annual winter fellowship event.